Gift Certificate and Store Credit Initial Setup and Information

As part of the installation process for the Gift Certificates and Store Credit System, we will do the following.  However, it is important that you are aware of this.  Do not make any changes to this.  If in the future you need to change something here, please call us prior to doing so.

In your Yahoo! Store manager, there is a link called "Real Time Links".  After clicking it, you will see another link called "Real Time Link Settings".  Click that, and you will see the following:

The ORANGE arrows point to the 5 spots that a real time link URL may be entered.  You may use ANY of these 5 spots and the corresponding "Format" dropdown to the right of it.

In any 1 of the 5 fields, the following URL needs to be entered:

The "Format" dropdown must be set to "XML".

After doing this, click "update", then click "done".

Once completed, publish your order settings.

This is very important.  This is what tells our system that a gift certificate or store credit has been used.

Real Time Links Settings

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