
The Reporting feature allows you to see the results of all of your current and past promotions.Active promotions will be inbold. Inactive promotions will be in gray.


Filter your results by the pre-designated time frames or by specific dates. All of the active and inactive promotions you had in the system during that time span will appearwith results for the same time frame.

Carts Qualified

This number tells you how many carts qualified for a promotion. Qualification is determined by whether or not a cart included all requirements needed to meet both the condition and the reward.

Carts Converted

Out of all the carts that qualified, these are the carts that completed and submitted the purchase.


Average Reward

The average reward value of all your converted carts.

Average Cart

The average cart value of all of your converted carts.

Highest Reward

The highest reward value out of all of your converted carts.

Highest Cart

Total Revenue per Promotion

[(AVG cart)(carts converted)]-[(AVG Reward)(carts converted)] -OR- Total Revenue before Promotion is applied MINUS Total Reward.


The highest cart value out of all of your converted carts. 

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